This year I’m riding the wave of...
"All I need to do is relax and allow what I need to flow into my experience."
And it’s a beautiful wave to ride.
Pluto shifting into Aquarius (and a new personal astrological house & theme for each of us) is an every twenty year event and brings with it a very necessary death & rebirth boost of energy.
My big Pluto blessing was the ending of a huge material mastery lesson (hard!) and the subsequent grounding of my entire 20 + year experience into a new online group Material Mastery Workshop that I am super excited to share. 🌍
In other 2024 news…
I plan to travel and follow the sun this year with my daughter as we embrace our gypsy spirits & heed the call of our ancestors (hello Greek island living!) 🇬🇷
My individual & couple offerings continue to grow and blossom (as I do), and bring me so much joy. 🌸
I’ve activated a wonderful gift of energetic light web weaving, healing, & reconfiguration which adds a new dimension (literally!) to my work. We’re all part of a web, we are this web, interact through this web, are interconnected via this web. 🕸️
Suddenly so much of my last couple years - hours & hours spent in the forest moss girling, chatting to the mycelium, hanging with my tribe of trees, deeply grounding into my body and understanding its interconnectedness with it’s surrounding environment - makes sense! 🌳
And I really can’t wait to share this all with you as we continue to commune and share our lives, dreams, stories & purpose with one another.