Don’t consider yourself to be creative? What if I tell you that this is just not true!
It’s just not true because you’re alive - an ever changing, ever evolving, ever regenerating miracle of life - you’re in a state of constant creation. You’re creation itself!
You create your life every day, in so many ways, with every choice you make. Everything coming into realisation through you is creation.
The problem is not in your lack of creativity, or your inability to create, but in your belief system around what creativity is.
When you ask a child if they can draw, they proclaim “yes!” for the simple reason that they can physically pick up a crayon and draw. They understand their innate ability to create.
But as adults we attach performance based quantification to creativity. Our thinking goes along these lines…”Can I draw? Well I don’t think I can (or I’ve been told I can’t) draw well. And because I can’t draw well, (or paint, or sing, or whatever else we limit through our belief systems of creativity) then I’m not creative. And I’m not even going to waste my time trying. I’ll leave that to the artists.”
Sound familiar?
You have no idea how disempowering this thinking is in your day to day life and how it massively affects how you show up in the world. If you don’t believe you’re creative, how are you going to approach creating your life?
Image via Pinterest