In my opinion this is one of the most important questions and answers you will ever ask and answer for yourself.
What is your relationship to God, Source, Divine Wisdom, Great Spirit - whatever you call the most Divine aspect of Self? For if you can’t fully trust in God, you cannot fully trust in Self. Which means you can’t fully trust in anything or anybody else.
I’ve been trudging through a very dark night of the ego since Egypt as I’ve been birthing (yet again!) and I realised through this particularly tough time that what I was being called to do was repair my relationship to God. And I don’t use this name lightly. I’ve been avoiding using the word God my entire life.
Through the dogma of religion, misaligned education and some seriously outdated distortions in a variety of shapes & sizes, I realised that deep down my relationship with God, particularly the aspect symbolising The Great Father for me personally, was tenuous and avoidant to say the least. It left me doubting, untrusting and feeling pretty forsaken and unsafe at times. It seriously affected my relationship to the masculine within and without. It left me unwilling to embrace all aspects of Source and therefore all aspects of my Self.💡
And so, I have been actively cultivating this relationship, actively repairing it and looking at which areas of this relationship require healing as I ask myself this question and at the same time answer myself as I navigate life, day in and day out, and as I learn to trust and lovingly integrate all aspects of my Self in a most spectacularly awesome way. Fully embodying the ultimate Sacred Union.