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  • Alexia Klompje


Introducing this updated workshop for couples, friends or family members wanting to come together to explore and find balance within the evolving dynamics of a current connection.

There are so many relationships shifting and experiencing disruptions during this time and it can be a confusing, painful and challenging time for all involved.

The Finding the Balance Workshop creates a safe shared space of collaboration, offering potential for mature relational transformation, transition or ending.

This workshop is for those who are committed to relating consciously, and;

*wanting to explore or delve deeper into an evolving relationship

* transition through or transform chapters within a relationship, such as relational struggles or limitations

* wanting to honour & explore the call to grow while staying connected in relationship

* needing to investigate whether a relationship has reached it's natural end

* maturely ending a relationship

This workshop can be a great way to relationally collaborate with a spouse, family member or friend with whom you are wanting to further evolve into, or out of relationship with in the most healthy way possible.

A Finding the Balance Workshop package comprises of 4 x private couple or group, online or in person sessions, of an hour long each.

Find out more via the Workshops/Retreats link in bio or at

“My husband and I did this course to explore the nature of our relationship at a deeper level although we didn’t really know where it would take us. It has opened up channels of communication between us that I didn't realise needed opening, and from it, we have gained a clearer understanding of each other, of ourselves and of the unique dynamics of our relationship."

Image by Lisa Rudman on Pinterest


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